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Power Rangers Samurai - Download Free HD HQ Hindi Episodes

Power Rangers Samurai is the eighteenth season of the American children's television series Power Rangers, which is based on the Japanese Super Sentai Series. The season was the first to be produced by SCG Power Rangers, after Saban Brands acquired the franchise, and it the first to use the "Saban" name since the first half of Power Rangers: Wild Force.

The Samurai Power Rangers–Red Ranger Jayden Shiba, the stoic leader; Blue Ranger Kevin Douglas, the devoted second-in-command; Pink Ranger Mia Watanabe, the big sister; Green Ranger Mike Fernandez, the creative rebel; Yellow Ranger Emily Stewart, the youngest and most innocent; and Gold Ranger Antonio Garcia, the expressive fisherman/tech wiz– fight the evil Master Xandred and his army of Nighloks, who want to flood the planet with the waters of the Sanzu River to bring about the end of civilization.

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Episode 1 : Origins Part 1

When the Nighloks are revived and begin to attack the mortal realm, Jayden of the Shiba Clan takes arms to fight them as the Red Ranger. After defeating a company of Moogers, Jayden is informed by his mentor, Ji, that he must assemble his team of Samurai Rangers instead of fighting on his own. Meanwhile, on the Sanzu River, the incredibly powerful Master Xandred finally awakens, and upon learning that the Samurai Rangers still exist, becomes enraged and sends the Nighlok Tooya to attack the humans with an army of Moogers. Ji summons four other warriors: Olympic swimmer Kevin, kindergarten teacher Mia, carefree gamer Mike, and pure-hearted country-girl Emily. Upon meeting the four, Jayden gives each one a chance to back out of his crusade, and when all four decline, he gives each one a Samuraizer phone. Jayden, Emily, Kevin, Mia and Mike then take on Tooya and his numerous Moogers. Red Ranger defeats Tooya, but in spite of that, he tells his teammates to remain on their guard. Sure enough, the Nighlok is reborn as his secondary form, a titanic mega monster, so the Samurai Rangers enlarge their Foldingzords to confront and destroy him. After the battle, Ji welcomes Emily, Kevin, Mia and Mike into the Shiba House and all five warriors become full-fledged Power Rangers.

Episode 2 : Origins Part 2

After joining Jayden as his teammates, Emily, Kevin, Mia and Mike begin their transition into Samurai Rangers. However, while Mike spars with Kevin, Emily disappears. Kevin, Mia and Mike discover her practicing at a nearby park, where she reveals her reasons for becoming a Samurai Ranger. Meanwhile, Bulk is reunited with Spike, the son of his best friend Skull, and he becomes committed into training his nephew into becoming a samurai. When the Nighlok Scorpionic appears, four of the Samurai Rangers deal with the Moogers while Red Ranger fights the new Nighlok. In the midst of the battle, Red Ranger keeps a young girl out of harm's way before the Rangers defeat Scorpionic with their combined Spin Sword attacks. But when Scorpionic revives into a Mega Monster, the Rangers combine their Foldingzords to form the Samurai Megazord to destroy him and his giant Mooger army. After the battle, Ji congratulates the Rangers while Mike uses his symbol ability to create confetti before dancing all over the house.

Episode 3 : The Team Unites
The Samurai Rangers are seen training, but Mike can't seem to sense Jayden or Kevin's attacks. Mike soon leaves practice to hang out with his friends, telling them of his struggles. However, the city is attacked by the Nighlok Rofer, sent by Xandred to raise the Sanzu River's water levels with human fear. Even in his Ranger form, Mike is no match for Rofer as the others arrive as the monster falls back to rehydrate in the Sanzu River. Jayden explains to Mike that being a Samurai Ranger is the ultimate sacrifice and must stay away from his friends and family to protect them. After giving it thought, Mike gets an idea and starts to train himself as Jayden undergoes his own training. The next day, when Rofer resumes his attack, Mike once again takes on the Nighlok on his own, tricking him into tangling up his elongatable arms. Mike then executes the finishing move. When said Nighlok is revived and enlarged, despite Mike's intent to finish him off himself, the Rangers form their Megazord and use Jayden's training to finish the monster off.

Episode 4 : Deal with a Nighlok
After confronting the Nighlok Doubletone, the Rangers search for the young boy whom the monster was talking to, a little leaguer named Ryan. Kevin and Mia find the boy, only for the boy to refuse to answer them as he runs off. Following him to his home to learn whatever secret he has, the two get into a discussion of Kevin's personal regret of his life-long dream that he has been keeping to himself before Mia assures him he'll live his dream once Xandred is defeated. After an all-night stake out, Kevin and Mia find Ryan on the move as he suddenly disposes of his baseball stuff and calls Doubletone as he performs his end of the promise, hurting himself so he cannot play baseball in order to get his father back. However, as the garbage truck arrives to take out the trash, Doubletone revealed it to be a lie as part of his plan to make the boy give up his dream to raise the Sanzu River. Vowing to make the Nighlok pay, Kevin and Mia fight him as the others arrive, defeating Doubletone as he revives into a giant before Samurai Megazord destroys him. Later, the Rangers attend Ryan's game after the boy learns the garbage man saved his stuff and gave it to his coach, with Jayden using his Symbol Power to make Ryan's dream a vision for a short while.

Episode 5 : Day off

While the other spend their leisure time at the Rainbow's End amusement park, Jayden remains behind to master the use of the Beetle Disk as the rest of the team encounter the Nighlok Dreadhead. whose flexible body and marksmanship overpower them. Even with the Red Ranger's arrival, the team are no match for Dreadhead before he falls back when he begins to dry up. After revealing the Beetle Disc to the others, Jayden resumes training into the night, nearly destroying himself in the process. The next day, a rehydrated Dreadhead resumes his attack with the other Rangers arriving to fight him as Jayden arrives and succeeds to using the Beetle Disc to have his Fire Smasher assume Cannon Blast Mode in order to destroy Dreadhead. When Dreadhead resurrects into a giant, he overwhelms Samurai Megazord until Jayden uses the Beetle Disc to summon the Beetle Zord. To counter the summoned giant Moogers, the Beetle Blaster Megazord is formed to take them out before destroying Dreadhead. After the fight, Jayden joins the others at the amusement park.

Episode 6 : Sticks and Stones

During battle training, Emily accidentally injures Mike in the arm, with Emily's attempts to care for his arm making a mess of everything. The Nighlok Megatron appears and subjects his victims to insults that hurt their feelings so deeply that the verbal abuse actually becomes a physical assault. Confronting him all the Rangers are struck down by Negatron's attacks save for Emily who is unaffected as the Nighlok is forced to retreat. When her teammates wonder about her immunity to Negatron's attacks, Emily tells them how her sister Serena taught her to ignore insults and how you need to keep thinking that the person never even said it. When Negatron resumes his attack, Emily succeeds in weakening him with Mike's help as Jayden destroys him with the five disc Beetle Cannon. Negatron revives as a Mega Monster and the Rangers destroy him with the Beetle Blaster Megazord. Later, the Rangers are then seen walking along the sidewalk while Mike carries Emily who loses consciousness at the end of the fight. Mia hears an ice cream truck and Emily, who has been faking unconsciousness for a few minutes at least, pretends to wake up so they can all get ice cream.

Episode 7 : A Fish out of Water
While having breakfast, the Rangers learn that the Swordfish Zord has been sighted off the coast as the noxious Nighlok Yamaror appears. While the others go after Yamaror, poisoned by his intense stench as a result, Kevin is sent to acquire the Zord by fishing for it. But after failed attempts to catch it, Kevin receives the aid of a fisherman before being contacted by Ji and being told that the others got poisoned and the Swordfish Zord is needed to cure them. As Jayden slows Yamiror down in spite of the pain from the poison, Kevin finally manages to fish the Zord out with the fisherman's help. After curing his teammates of Yamaror's poison before they change to use the Fire Smasher's 5-Disc Swordfish Cannon mode to defeat the Nighlok, Kevin summons the Swordfish Zord to battle the enlarged mega monster before having it combine with the Samurai Megazord to form the Swordfish Fencer Megazord to destroy Yamiror. As the Rangers spent a day at the beach, a mysterious figure who witnessed the Rangers' fight with Yamiror walks off into the night.

Episode 8 : There Go the Brides

Dayu and the Moogers start kidnapping brides, so the Rangers use a fake wedding to try to trap her. After she doesn't show, they make Jayden and Mia pose as another couple at a wedding, which leads to Mia being kidnapped. However, Dayu didn't notice the trap and also kidnaps the "real" bride, whom turns out to be Emily in a disguise. After sending replica symbol power Rangers into an ambush, the Rangers challenge Dayu to a battle in the nearby forest and quarry. After trying to destroy her however, a new Nighlok named Deker shows up, and Jayden catches his attention. After a sinister comment, Dayu and Deker return to the Netherworld, but not before summoning Giant Moogers to finish the job.

Episode 9 : I've Got a Spell on Blue

Nighlok Madimot shows Master Xandred that he found and possessed the previous Red Samurai Ranger's Tiger Zord and claimed it as his pet. Madimot attacks in the forest and the Rangers rush towards the Nighlok. Madimot fires a blast at Mike but Kevin gets in the way and takes the blast. Kevin becomes possessed by Madimot and Madimot orders him to attack the others. Kevin fights Jayden and Jayden rushes towards Madimot but he is forced to get Emily, Mia and Mike out of there. Kevin and Madimot attack a construction site and the Rangers arrive. Deker returns to his human form and watch as the fight between Jayden and Kevin with the other Rangers commenting on Jayden's abilities. During the fight, Jayden frees Kevin from Madimot's control and the five then attack Madimot and destroy the Nighlok. Madimot returns as a mega monster and summons the Tiger Zord, the other Rangers get into their zords and Jayden's Lion Foldingzord battles the Tiger Zord and frees it. With the Megazord fused with the Tiger Zord, They finish Madimot once and for all.

Episode 10 : Forest for the Trees

Jayden and Ji tell the others that the Tiger Zord, the Swordfish Zord, and the Beetle Zord can combine into the Samurai Battlewing, a bird-like Megazord and they try to find a fitting pilot for each support zord. Jayden keeps the Tiger Disc, Kevin keeps the Swordfish Disc, and the Beetle Disc is given to Mia, much to the dismay of Mike, making him jealous in the process. Mike starts to train harder than usual, but he thinks he can't catch up to Jayden and Kevin's progress. Then, when the Rangers face a new Nighlok named Desperaino who uses the "loss of hope", Kevin attaches his Swordfish Disc onto the Hydro Bow to try to stop it. When Mia tries to attach the Beetle Disc onto her Sky Fan, the Nighlok knocks it away, and the disc is caught by Mike. Against the protests of the others, Mike attaches the Beetle Disc onto his Forest Spear, but when Kevin and Mike try to launch attacks onto the Nighlok, the Forest Spear doesn't work and the Nighlok gets away. After the battle, Ji scolds Mike for acting so foolish and jeopardizing the team's mission. Subsequently, after locating Mike at an arcade, Ji leads him to a clearing and tries to teach him about harnessing the Forest Symbol. Then, after another encounter with the Nighlok, Mike destroys him. After a final offensive on the enlarged monster by employment of the Samurai Battlewing auxiliary Zord combination, the Rangers celebrate victory. Mia allows Mike to keep the Beetle disc. Mike creates a plant for Ji to symbolize their growing "friendship".

Episode 11 : Test of the Leader
Master Xandred is troubled by how much Deker knows about his past and about the Seal that brought him to his defeat centuries ago. Furious, he called upon giant and standard Moogers to attack the city destroying everything. Bulk and Spike encounter the Moogers and tried to put up a fight but they end up running for their lives instead. Spike is rescued by the Pink Ranger and he begins to develop a crush on her. The girls battle the standard Moogers while the boys take on the giant Moogers in the Samurai Battlewing. Later, a powerful new Nighlok named Robtish appears in a form of a swordsman and challenges Jayden to a duel. The other Rangers follow on and are defeated by the Nighlok's power. When the Nighlok takes aim at the Red Ranger, Deker appears, announcing that Red Ranger is his opponent. Then the Rangers fight in a triple threat match when the Nighlok ends up drying out and retreating back to the Sanzu River. Jayden and Deker continue to fight but Jayden is defeated and he takes a minor blow. Mike calls for Ji to bring help so that Emily and Kevin can be brought back to the Shiba house. Back at the Shiba house, Jayden secretly leaves his comrades and goes on a journey alone in order to protect them.

Episode 12 : Jayden's Challenge
Jayden leaves the Shiba House to keep the other Rangers out of danger. Meanwhile, Emily and Kevin start to feel better and they worry about Jayden. Kevin tells the group that he had an idea of combining the Samurai Battlewing with the Megazord. Back in the Sanzu River junk, Octoroo says Master Xandred won't be happy when he finds out Jayden is still alive. Robtish replies he couldn't finish Jayden off because of a half-human and Dayu (who is also half-human, but with no human form) thinks it is Deker. Xandred awakens, angered by the fact Deker is "helping" the Rangers and sends his Moogers to fight Deker. This leads him into getting into a fight with Deker himself. Jayden wanders around the city at night and the next day, he finds a boy crying because he misses his father, who is currently at work. Jayden says that he misses his father, who is presumed dead after his final battle with the forces of Master Xandred. Jayden creates a paper airplane for the boy like his father did with him, and soon, the other children playing around make airplanes as well. Jayden says in his mind it should always be monster-free, until Robtish and some more Moogers arrive. He fights them, and is soon helped out by the other Rangers. Jayden now believes he needs his team to succeed. When Robtish turns into a mega monster after being destroyed by the Five-Disc Tiger Cannon, they destroy him with Kevin's new idea for the Battlewing Megazord, a combination of the Samurai Megazord and the Samurai Battlewing.

Episode 13 : Unexpected Arrival
Returning after what seemed to be a false detection of a Nighlok attack on the Gap Sensor, the Rangers find an arrow with a note on it that says "See You Soon." With Jayden sensing something from before within the house, it starts to haunt him. Deciding to investigate the Gap Sensor, the team encounter a fish-seller whose hand writing matches the note. After the seller gives them the slip, Kevin and Mia go to find Jayden while Emily and Mike track down the fish seller. Kevin and Mia find Jayden confronting the Nighlok named Vulpes who was spying on Jayden to find out the Shiba sealing symbol that sealed Master Xandred years ago. With his mirror medium destroyed, the Nighlok overwhelms the three with his magic as Emily and Mike arrive with the fish seller following. But even all five Rangers are no match for the Nighlok as they revert to normal. The fish seller arrives to their aid, transforming into the Gold Samurai Ranger. After taking out the Moogers in blinding speed, the Gold Ranger battles the Nighlok and destroys him. When the Nighlok revives, he overpowers the Battlewing Megazord until the Gold Ranger enters the fight in the Octo Zord to weaken the Nighlok so the Battlewing Megazord can land the deathblow. After the fight, Jayden reveals he already knows the fish seller as his childhood friend Antonio.

Episode 14 : Room for One More
As Antonio heads to the samurai mansion, the others listen to Jayden and Ji talk of young Antonio-- How Jayden gave him the Octozord, how Jayden threatened to quit his training if Ji tried to take back the Octozord, etc.-- Antonio makes an entrance, all fancy, but when his fish hook rips his pants, feels embarrassed. Antonio explains that after moving away when he was a kid, he trained himself to be a samurai and built his Samurai-Morpher from a trashed cellphone to communicate with Octozord through text-- because the Zords understand the Rangers who were born into the Samurai heritage. Ji, feeling that Antonio lacks discipline and true samurai training confiscates Antonio's morpher, which he later doesn't react too well to. Jayden agrees with Mentor despite Antonio begs Jayden with memories of childhood friendship. As the Rangers fight the Nighlok Steeleto (who vows to avenge his best friend Vulpes), they're powerless to destroy him. Steeleto retreats when he starts to dry up and the team start to consider bringing Antonio along. Antonio, down at the fishing pier, angrily talks with Octozord about regretting meeting the Rangers. Emily and Mike go to ask him to join and go to the mansion. There, Jayden is convinced to give Antonio back his morpher just in time for the next attack by Steeleto. When the Rangers arrive, Antonio struggling to get into a heroic position, they begin fighting and Steeleto is overpowered when Jayden and Antonio tag-team it. Once Steeleto mega-sizes, Antonio combines the Octozord with the Samurai Megazord and defeats Steeleto. To celebrate, Antonio cooks fish barbecue and everyone appreciates Antonio's membership.

Episode 15 : The Blue and the Gold
Ji and Antonio announce that Antonio is fixing the Claw Zord that was damaged in battle long ago and Ji hid it. Kevin doesn't fully accept Antonio as a "true Samurai" and thinks he's just goofing around. The monster of the day steals kids' toys to create sorrow with Octoroo, trying to find another way to open the Sanzu River through a well. Bulk and Spike are sleeping and their toy panda is stolen and all that is left is slime. Dayu visits Deker outside the Sanzu River but around it, he's still injured. Dayu wonders if Deker really does remember anything from his past. Antonio follows Kevin's morning routine to learn what makes him a true samurai. The boys end up in the forest finding Octoroo but their morpher signals are blocked. Kevin and Antonio eventually overcome their differences and fight together to defeat the Nighloks.

Episode 16 : Team Spirit
A Nighlok begins to steal people's spirits in order to have them fall into a never-ending slumber; the Rangers search for a way to defeat their enemy without the help of the Yellow Ranger after the Nighlok is able to steal her spirit.

Episode 17 : The Tengen Gate
The rangers start off in a battle in their Zords against giant moogers. Later, back at the mansion, the rangers start to talk about a way to stop the Nighlok when Ji and Jayden reveal existance of the Black Box, a weapon made by the first Red Samurai Ranger centuries ago with untold power: however it was never finished and no one since has ever managed to complete it. Jayden doesn't think it's a good idea when Emily says that maybe Antonio could do it since he programmed the claw Zord even though he lacks the symbol power training and to Jayden's dismay, they agree. Jayden takes The Rangers to the Tengen Gate where they meet the gate's guardian, Daisuke, to hand them the Black Box. Daisuke tells the Rangers a folk tale about a Nighlok king who turned a woman and the man she loved into Nighloks. While Xandred is incapacitated regenerating in the Sanzu River, a Nighlok named Arachnitor tries to overthrow him and tries to force the sealing symbol from Jayden. Octoroo, because of Arachnitor, poisons Jayden as the Rangers sit for tea, trying to get the special sealing symbol from him. While Jayden is poisoned, the other Rangers face off against Arachnitor, but are doing poorly without their leader. While the Rangers are distracted, Deker kidnaps Jayden when Antonio confronts Octoroo, planning on purging the poison in him in a nearby river so that they can finally duel. Before Arachnitor can finish the Rangers off, Xandred drags him back to the Sanzu River for trying to overthrow him. After all the Nighloks disappear, Antonio is left wondering what to do, with Jayden missing and his friends unconscious.

Episode 18 : Boxed In
Deker uses the nearby river to purge the poison from Jayden so that he can recover enough to duel Deker. While Antonio tries to work on the Black Box, the others Rangers recover, leave their ranger discs for Antonio to access the Black Box, and end up fighting a mutated Arachnitor. At the Shiba House, Antonio tries to work on the Black Box but before fully unlocking it, Antonio figures out where Jayden is and decides to go and help him as he does not have energy symbol energy to finish unlocking the Black Box yet. Antonio then convinces Deker to not duel Jayden until he is back to full strength and insists to a duel the following day, or he would release his Nighlok side on innocent people to force Jayden to agree to the duel. Jayden and Antonio join the other rangers to fend off Arachnitor, who flees before being defeated, leaving the rangers to fend off giant Moogers instead, which the rangers destroy with the use of the Battlewing Megazord and the Claw Zord. Later Jayden is focusing on Deker's word to him before their impending duel with Deker, until the other rangers unknowingly make him realise that he can choose who he wants to be, despite what Deker had said.

Episode 19 : Broken Dreams
Furious with Dayu for not following his orders to destroy Deker, Master Xandred sets fire to her beloved harmonium when she was provoking him to destroy her. Devastated, Dayu escapes into the human world to fix it. Meanwhile the Rangers end up facing the Nighlok Rhinosnorus who traps Dayu, as well as Mia and Antonio in a dream world. Jayden uses his symbol power to open a portal to the Dream World allowing Kevin and Mike to enter, but severely exhausts himself in the process, preventing himself from tagging along. In the dream world, aside from Bulk and Spike's ridiculous fantasies of being samurai along with Antonio's dream of a fishing champion, Mia learns that Dayu and Deker were both once human and the two humans are previously mentioned in Daisuke's story. After Rhinosnorus is defeated, Deker shows up to challenge an exhausted Jayden.

Episode 20 : The Ultimate Duel
Continuing from the end of the last episode, Deker demands Jayden to duel him. Jayden tells Deker he only fights to protect the innocent and not out of amusement. Deker gives him 24 hours before they duel or else his Nighlok side will start attacking innocent people, should Jayden fail to show up. Kevin and the other rangers try to talk Jayden out of fighting Deker alone and instead defeating him as a team. Jayden refuses and tells them he must be the one to duel Deker or Deker will never give up. Just as Jayden prepares to leave the next day, Rhinosnorus attacks once more and Jayden puts Kevin in charge of leading the team while he fights Deker. The Rangers defeat Rhinosnorus while Jayden battles Deker. The battle rages on, with both combatants evenly matched. Eventually Jayden allows Deker to injure him to get close enough to finish Deker off. Deker's sword Uramasa is broken and half of it gets struck into the ground nearby. Deker thanks Jayden for the Ultimate duel, which has apparently released him from his Nighlok curse, before vanishing in a puff of smoke. Back at the Shiba house, Jayden thanks Kevin for leading the team in his absence as they all celebrate their victory.

Episode 21 : Party Monsters (Halloween Special)

Episode 22 : Christmas Together, Friends Forever 
(Christmas Special)

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